We have ministries for ALL ages! More info below!
(Sincerely Happy Association of Retired PersonS)
Meets each Tuesday for lunch, bible study, hymn singing and lots of other activities!
Every Friday night from 6:30-8:30 pm students in grades 8-12 meet at the church (unless otherwise noted) for a time of fun, hanging out, and learning about God! MASKS REQUIRED INDOORS.
This group is led by Jessica Griffiths and Rachel Simmons.
Every other Wednesday Night kids in Grade K-4 are invited to join our Kids Club to play games and learn about God! MASKS REQUIRED INDOORS.
This group is lead by Pastor Sylvia.
Every other Wednesday Night kids in grade 5-7 are invited to join our Bugs & Slugs groups.
Girls meet with Pastor Sylvia and boys meet with Pastor Jimmy for fun group activities and a time to learn about God in a gender specific environment.
Every Thursday Night join the ladies of our church for a time of fellowship, lifting each other up, and a Bible Study on ZOOM. This group is facilitated by Janet Simmons and typically uses a book and video curriculum.
Every Thursday Night join the men of our church for a time of fellowship, lifting each other up, and a Bible Study on ZOOM.
This group is facilitated by Bill Townsend.
Every Wednesday Night join members of our church for a time of fellowship, lifting each other up, and a Bible Study over "The Book of Daniel" on ZOOM.
This group is facilitated by Pastor Ron Corcoran.
Every Monday Night join members of our church for a time of fellowship, lifting each other up, and an in person Bible Study entitled:
“What are You Afraid Of?” by Dr. David Jeremiah. MASKS REQUIRED INDOORS.
This group is facilitated by Barb Cook.
Every Monday Morning join our quilting group for a time of fellowship and expression of talent. MASKS REQUIRED INDOORS.
This group is facilitated by Lois Black.